Rough Draft Preptober: Part 3
My absolute favorite way to plot and write is longhand. But as a working writer, that’s not fast enough. So I thought I’d give a brief review of the systems I use, just in time for Rough Draft November.
My absolute favorite way to plot and write is longhand. But as a working writer, that’s not fast enough. So I thought I’d give a brief review of the systems I use, just in time for Rough Draft November.
It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo! While I’m already behind, I have a plan to catch up and write 50,000 words in a month while also staying sane and happy.
NaNoWriMo 2022 has ended and it’ time for a final check-in. But regardless if you won or not, all that matters in the long run is how you feel about your stories and your writing path forward. All that matters is that, as a writer, you know you’re not alone!
NaNoWriMo Week 3 is almost over, and we’re more than halfway through the month. I’m not going to talk about word count or anything else about our manuscripts. Today I want to talk about the concept of Rest.
Week 1 of NaNo has ended and everyone is busy counting up how many words they’ve written. Some have over 10K, others have none. And that’s okay!
NaNoWrimo is coming up fast and I’ve decided to participate this year. I’ve got my story outlined and have put together another list of resources for writes of all levels.
In the last week, I’ve had a ton of messages asking me about the technology I use to plot and write my books. My absolute favorite way to plot and write is longhand. But as a working writer, that’s not fast enough. So I thought I’d give a brief review of the systems I use.
I have been writing for most of my life, but because there’s so much information out there on how to write a book I still get overwhelmed. There’s even more information on NaNoWriMo. That makes running a successful blog series about how to plan for NaNoWriMo quite daunting.
It’s Preptober time! That means it’s time to prepare for NaNoWriMo–that month where writers try to write 50K words on their manuscript or finish a project they’ve already started.
Next month is Camp NaNoWriMo and it’s never to early to prepare your project and your life. 50K words is a lot and I’ve laid out some tips to help you prepare and succeed.
NaNoWriMo ends today but the act of writing down words continues because our words matter. Our words can affect lives. Our world can change the world.
NaNoWriMo will end soon and this is about the time that the dreaded Shiny Object Syndrome kicks in.