November is coming up fast and so is the time when I need to decide if I’m doing NanoWriMo this year. I’ve already set up my story on my Nano page and have a basic outline, but I also have two other writing deadlines and a houseful of people coming to visit for Thanksgiving. I’m also cooking dinner for 12-16 people (I hope have a final count soon) and am worried about supply chain issues.

Writing is such a personal thing and I would never presume to tell another writer to do Nano, or not do NaNo. To outline or not outline. To write to market or write the book of your heart. Which is why, in my previous Preptober blog posts, I put on my librarian hat and offered resources instead of advice. We all have to fight our own writing demons, whatever they may be, and I believe that going into battle well-armed offers us all the best chance of winning whatever battle we’re fighting.

So this week, I’m just sending love and hope and offering links and free downloads that will hopefully make your NanoWriMo month more fun and planning your real-world life that much easier.

First, here are links to the first three articles in the series:

Preptober 1: All about NaNoWriMo–what it is and how to play–along with a checklist of ideas of how to prepare.

Preptober 2: All about websites, video tutorials, and other resources out there to plan your books and get ready for a great month of writing.

Preptober 3: All about the technology I use to write and craft books.

Second, here is a link to the bibliography I’m building here on the website of my favorite craft books, classes, videos, etc. It is a work in progress and will eventually be annotated. It just all takes time! (I am not an Amazon affiliate and make no money off any of the books I mention.)

Third, here is a fun coloring page of a turkey marked out by days. For every day you write, you can color in the turkey and write the word count in the blocks on the side. It’s goofy, but my younger nieces love it.

Fourth, here is a fun autumn word count tracker. A bit silly, but also fun.

Fifth, here is the Thanksgiving Planner I use to get my life ready for the holidays. This year, I’ve updated this planner to start earlier because I am worried about supply chain issues.

Whatever you decide, I hope your writing goes well and that the words flow and fill page after page!

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