Today I’d like to welcome Renee Ann Miller and her new novel NEVER DARE A WICKED EARL to Daring Debuts. Renee Ann is a 2015 Golden Heart finalist and one of my 2015 GH Dragonfly sisters. Her novel, NEVER DARE A WICKED EARL, is a Victorian historical romance about overcoming guilt, betrayal, and finding love.


Hayden Milton, Earl of Westfield, is almost done in by a vengeful mistress who aims a gun at a rather essential part of his anatomy—but ends up wounding his thigh instead. Recuperating in his London town house, Hayden is confronted by his new medical attendant, Sophia Camden.

Unshaken by his arrogance, not to mention impropriety, Sophia offers Hayden a dare: allow her ten days to prove her competency. If she resigns in exasperation like her two predecessors, she will be beholden to this wicked seducer.


Sharon: Welcome, Renee Ann, to Daring Debuts today! Can you tell us about your favorite character?

Renee Ann: That’s a tough one. I’d say Hayden, Lord Westfield, because he’s the most complex.

Sharon: I’m a huge fan of complex heroes. If you could spend a day with one of your characters, who would it be and what would you do?

Renee Ann: Sophia. We’d go out for Italian ices at Gunter’s Tea Shop and talk about politics, but mostly gossip about the Lord Westfield.

[bctt tweet=”Renee Ann Miller’s debut novel, NEVER DARE A WICKED EARL, is a Victorian historical romance about overcoming guilt, betrayal, and finding love. ~ Renee Ann Miller” username=”sharonbwray”]

Sharon: And I’d love to join you. Since your book is a Victorian historical romance, what kind of research did you do?

Renee Ann: The book takes place in 1875, so I had to research everything from the carriages used during this time to the undergarments (unmentionables) people wore. And there are parts of this story where the unmentionable will not only be mentioned, but removed. 😉

Sharon: Ha ha! What scenes did you remove (pun not intended!) from this book during the editing process?

Renee Ann: This story originally had a prologue. When I joined a critique group, I was told that prologues were falling out of favor, so I scrapped it.

Sharon: And, yet, I love prologues.😉 Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Renee Ann: Though I wish I was a plotter, I’m a pantser. When I started this book I had an idea in my head, but it morphed into something completely different.

Sharon: What is your favorite part of your writing process?

Renee Ann: Binge snacking. No, in all seriousness, I’d say when my wayward characters cooperate, and the scene comes out the way I envisioned it originally in my head.

[bctt tweet=”Q: What is your favorite part of your writing process? R: Binge snacking. No, in all seriousness, I’d say when my wayward characters cooperate, and the scene comes out the way I envisioned it originally in my head. ~ Renee Ann Miller” username=”sharonbwray”]

Sharon: I know all about binge snacking when trying to wrangle characters. Can you share your writing routine?

Renee Ann: I’m most productive in the mornings. Though I must admit, after a few hours, I get easily distracted by websites like Twitter.

Sharon: The internet is a terrible distraction. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Renee Ann: Over the last few months, I have started writing three different stories. Only a few chapters in each one, and I can’t decide which character I’m most interested in writing about.

Sharon: Do you have any writing quirks?

Renee Ann: I don’t like music playing while I write. I tend to start singing off-key, which is distracting to not only anyone near me, but myself.

Sharon: My pitch is so bad I don’t even sing when I’m alone. What are you working on right now?

Renee Ann: Editing the third book in my Infamous Lords Series.

Sharon: I can’t wait to hear more about it. What’s your favorite writing advice?

Renee Ann: Believe in yourself!

[bctt tweet=”What’s your favorite writing advice? Believe in yourself! ~ Renee Ann Miller” username=”sharonbwray”]

Sharon: What book are you currently reading

Renee Ann: Suanne Schafer’s A Different Kind of Fire. So far, it’s an excellent read!

Sharon: I can’t wait to read Suanne’s book! Thanks so much for spending the day with us, Renee Ann. And congratulations on your debut!


Renee writes historical romances that are sometimes witty, sometimes dark, but always sexy. Her debut novel, NEVER DARE A WICKED EARL, was a 2015 finalist in the Golden Heart Contest® from Romance Writers of America®. And her third book in the series, NEVER KISS A NOTORIOUS MARQUESS, was a 2016 finalist.

Renee lives in the Northeast with her husband and during winters is always anxious for spring. She enjoys gardening, DIY projects, and pastries. And though she grew up in a household of hockey fans, she now watches football, which is unavoidable in her house.

You can find NEVER DARE A WICKED EARL at Books2Read.

You can find Renee Ann: WebsiteFacebook | TwitterPinterest | Goodreads


Sharon Wray is a librarian who once studied dress design in the couture houses of Paris and now writes about the men in her Deadly Force romantic suspense series where ex-Green Berets and their smart, sexy heroines retell Shakespeare’s greatest love stories.

Her debut book EVERY DEEP DESIRE, a sexy, action-packed retelling of Romeo and Juliet, is about an ex-Green Beret determined to regain his honor, his freedom, and his wife.

It’s available on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | |

And adding it to your Goodreads TBR list is also always appreciated!

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  1. Thank you so much for having me on your website today!

    1. says:

      You’re so welcome, Renee Ann!

  2. Great interview! Thanks for sharing. I loved this book. I’m so looking forward to the next two in the series!

    1. says:

      I can’t wait to read the next one either, Wendi!

  3. Ana Morgan says:

    I read Renee’s book when it was released.
    I loved it!

    1. says:

      I loved it too! And I can’t wait to read the next one. 🙂

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