The Write Prepper’s Prep & Plan program is an ongoing blog series to help those of us who procrastinate get things done so we can protect those we love. By building a proper mindset around the concepts of prepping and planning, this series knocks down all the crazy myths about peppers and focuses on practical, low-budget things you can do in order to be ready when the unexpected happens. No one can dispute that not only do bad things happen, they usually happen when you least expect them. But, with the proper mindset, we’ll be able to plan for and meet all challenges whether they are weather-related, illness-related, or any other life-changing event.

To Plan A Year

It’s that time of year again! Time for my End of the Year Ritual that gives me permission to set aside time to so I can reflect on the past, offer gratitude for the present, and dream about the future. And I don’t know of any better way to both end one year and begin a new one.

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Prep & Plan: Firewood

It’s that time of year again! The time of year where we build up fires in our outdoor firepits, bonfires, indoor fireplaces, and wood stoves. That means it’s also time to check and restock your wood supply for the winter, if you haven’t already done so.

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Thrift & Thanks

The Saturday after Thanksgiving is an important day in our house. It’s the day we head to the mountains to shop and drop off clothes at our favorite thrift shop and then give thanks at a local Revolutionary War-era pub.

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