Prep & Plan: Cleaning the Kitchen
Now that the pantry and refrigerator/freezer are clean, it’s time to tackle the rest of the kitchen. Have a clean, organized kitchen will help you with your long term food storage plan.
Now that the pantry and refrigerator/freezer are clean, it’s time to tackle the rest of the kitchen. Have a clean, organized kitchen will help you with your long term food storage plan.
Last week we handed the pantry, and today we’re tackling the fridge and freezer. It’s not as hard as it sounds!
Today is the day we tackle the pantry. So grab your Legal Pad 2 and let’s get to work. I promise, once this is done, Spring Cleaning will be so easier to face.
In this Prep & Plan article, we’re discussing how to protect your digital data from cyber warfare. It’s easier and cheaper than you think.
To continue our work with protecting our documents during an emergency, today we’re discussing how to build a Home Inventory for our more valuable possessions.
Being prepared is a mindset. But building up this mindset also comes with work and meetings. Today we’re discussing the Family Emergency Communications Plan meeting and why it’s so important not to wait to have it.
Today’s Prep & Plan post is all about Spring Cleaning! Although it’s still February, it’s never too late to work n the cleaning schedule so that when Spring hits, we won’t be overwhelmed.
Talking about disasters is never fun, but today we’re discussing the Importance of a Family Emergency Binder and a small home safe to grab in case of an emergency evacuation.
Today we’re beginning our Disaster Preparedness Plan with a review of the disasters that have happened or could happen and what we’d save if we have the time.
What would you do if you got stuck in a snowstorm on a highway for hours or overnight? In this week’s Prep & Plan post, we discuss what you need to survive a winter car emergency.
Christmas is over, but there are still leftover cookies to enjoy. So grab your favorite treat and let’s work on our Family Holiday Notebook so we can regroup and plan ahead for the 2022 holidays.
In the next installment of the Prep & Plan series, we’re taking about how to organize and store holiday wrapping paper and all the supplies that go with it.