I love flavored vinegars. And if the flavored vinegar contains extra Vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium from a locally-source herb, all the better! Flavored vinegars have been around for centuries, and Sarah Munro, the heroine of ONE DARK WISH (book 2 in the Deadly Force series), has collected and updated a bunch of 17th and 18th century recipes that are still used today.

So what is mugwort? To be honest, it’s a weed called Artemisia vulgaris. The kind of weed you find on the side of the road and in abandoned fields. It can grow taller than a man, and has leaves with a silvery underside. It also has a strong, pungent smell when crushed. Artemisia is an herb traditionally used as a digestive aid. Since it’s a bitter herb, it stimulates the production of stomach acid and bile. It tastes wonderful when infused with apple cider vinegar, and I drizzle it over salads and steamed veggies. It’s easy to make and is loaded with vitamin C which makes it a perfect addition to the winter kitchen.

Sarah Munro’s Mugwort Vinegar


  • 1 pint-sized glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, sterilized
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh mugwort leaves, washed & dried (if using dry leaves, use 3/4 cup)
  • Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother)
  • Wax paper to cover the top of the jar
  • 1 pint-sized dark-colored glass jar with a tight-fitting lid


Place the mugwort leaves into the glass jar. Fill the jar to with 1/4 inch of the brim with apple cider vinegar. Stir with a wooden spoon handle to get rid of any air bubbles. Cover the jar with the wax paper and place the lid on and twist tightly. The was paper prevents the lid from corroding. Store in a dark cabinet for up to six weeks. Strain the vinegar through a fine sieve or even cheesecloth into a measuring cup and, if necessary, strain again. Pour the vinegar into a clean dark-colored glass jar and twist the lid on tightly. Label the bottle and store at room temperature for 2 months. Store in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life, up to 6 months.


I am not a medical professional and nothing written on this blog is medical advice. None of my statements have been evaluated by the FDA (I am legally required to give you this disclaimer).

It is important to do your due diligence before foraging, harvesting, and/or consuming any type of medicinal plant.

  • If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor about any potential drug interactions.
  • If you are allergic to anything, make sure whatever you are foraging is not in the same family. Example: While dandelions are typically considered safe, those who are allergic to ragweed, latex, daisies, or any other plants in the same or similar families, may not be able to consume dandelion.

Always research potential side effectsdosage recommendations, and how to properly prepare and consume each medicinal plant.

Always make sure you are foraging what you believe to be. Fully prepare and study the anatomy before harvesting wild plants.

Always make sure your kitchen/work area is clean and that all materials are sterilized.

Do not forage plants from areas that have been sprayed within the past 2 years at the very least.

I am not legally or morally responsible for the health of any of my readers. Please do your own research!

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