So Mardi Gras is over, Lent begins today, and it’s March. That must mean it is time to start Spring Cleaning. (Please don’t hate me!). While I do purchase some commercial cleaning products, one of my favorite DIY products is this Spring Floor Wash which is an adaptation of floor washes people have been using for centuries. Since this recipe is so versatile, and does not need to be rinsed, Sarah Munro added this recipe to her collection of herbal remedies (Sarah, a PhD historian, is the heroine in book 2 of the Deadly Force series, ONE DARK WISH.) 

This recipe uses basic ingredients, but there are a few things to note. First, make sure you use 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol and not 90%. You can use any essential oil you want. I prefer lemon in the kitchen, but any scent will work. Also, so many dish detergents have extra things in them so the original Dawn dish soap is one of the best to use. Don’t use Castile soap as it will leave a residue behind, and this is a non-rinse floor wash. Also, it’s always a good idea to sweep or vacuum your floor first before mopping. It just makes things easier! This wash is so mild you could use it on a daily basis, if necessary.

Sarah Munro’s Spring Floor Wash

Equipment & Ingredients

  • Spray bottle or bucket
  • Measuring cups & spoons
  • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1/4 cup isopropyl (70%) rubbing alcohol
  • 1/8 teaspoon milde dish detergent (original Dawn dish detergent works well)
  • 5-10 drops lemon essential oil (or oil of your choice)


For use with a spray bottle: In a large bowl, stir together all of the ingredients until well blended. Use a funnel to transfer the washing liquid into the spray bottle. To use, spray a 3-foot section of floor and wipe up with a mop. Repeat until the floor is clean. To store, keep the liquid in the spray bottle and store in a cabinet away from heat and flames. Also, keep away from children and pets.

For use with a bucket: This mixture makes 22 fluid ounces, so to use in a bucket you will need to multiply this recipe by 4. (8 cups water, 2 cups vinegar, 1 cup alcohol, 1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 20 drops of essential lemon oil.) Clean floor with a mop. Once you are done, discard any cleaner remaining in your bucket.


I am not a medical professional and nothing written on this blog is medical advice. None of my statements have been evaluated by the FDA (I am legally required to give you this disclaimer).

It is important to do your due diligence before foraging, harvesting, and/or consuming any type of medicinal plant.

  • If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor about any potential drug interactions.
  • If you are allergic to anything, make sure whatever you are foraging is not in the same family. Example: While dandelions are typically considered safe, those who are allergic to ragweed, latex, daisies, or any other plants in the same or similar families, may not be able to consume dandelion.

Always research potential side effectsdosage recommendations, and how to properly prepare and consume each medicinal plant.

Always make sure you are foraging what you believe to be. Fully prepare and study the anatomy before harvesting wild plants.

Always make sure your kitchen/work area is clean and that all materials are sterilized.

Do not forage plants from areas that have been sprayed within the past 2 years at the very least.

I am not legally or morally responsible for the health of any of my readers. Please do your own research!

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