After a long hard talk with myself, I’ve decided to take a short summer break from blogging. While I love writing in this space, I have many many deadlines coming up and I’m traveling for the rest of the summer. So I’ve decided to pause the blog until mid-September, although I may throw up a post or two to share a recipe, photos from my travels, and book-related news.

Between September and December, I have six new short stories coming out. Two in the Deadly Force Romantic Suspense world and four (maybe five) in my short-story Contemporary Romance Kingsmill Courtship series. Plus, I have two full-length novels that need to be on my agents’ desks by Thanksgiving. And I still have a lot of writing to do. But that also means I’ll have lots of new releases coming up in 2022 and 2023. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy a safe and quiet Summer and I can’t wait to see you again in the Fall!

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