For centuries, people have been using dried rose hips in teas and other herbal remedies. Sarah Munro, the heroine of ONE DARK WISH (book 2 in the Deadly Force series), discovered an easy way to make a Rose Hip Vinegar while researching 17th century herbal remedies.

The rose hips add a lovely flavor, and tons of vitamin C, to plain white vinegar which can then be used in salad dressings and marinades. Although I do have rose bushes in my garden, the squirrels and birds tend to eat my rose hips before I can harvest them so I buy them in bulk on Amazon or Whole Foods. My only caveat is to make sure you strain the vinegar really well. If any part of the hip is left in the vinegar, it could cause a tummy ache. I love to substitute this vinegar for the red wine vinegar in my favorite Winter Salad for a lovely hint of spring during the darkest days of winter.

Sarah Munro’s Rose Hip Vinegar
- 1 cup dried rose hips
- 1 quart white vinegar
- 2 sterilized glass jar
- 2 sterilized 2-part lid with rings
- 1 paper coffee filter
Place the dried rose hips into a sterilized jar and fill with white vinegar to within 1/2 inch of the top of the jar. Dry the rim of the jar and affix the lid and ring until finger tight. Place on a counter where the jar can sit in warm, sunny place for two weeks. Then move the jar to cool, dark cupboard for 3 weeks. After the five weeks are up, strain the vinegar using a paper coffee filter into another sterilized glass jar. Make sure you strain the vinegar completely and, if necessary, strain it a second time. Any part of the hip could cause a tummy ache.
If stored in a cool, dark cabinet with a tight lid it, the vinegar should stay good for two years.
I am not a medical professional and nothing written on this blog is medical advice. None of my statements have been evaluated by the FDA (I am legally required to give you this disclaimer).
It is important to do your due diligence before foraging, harvesting, and/or consuming any type of medicinal plant.
- If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor about any potential drug interactions.
- If you are allergic to anything, make sure whatever you are foraging is not in the same family. Example: While dandelions are typically considered safe, those who are allergic to ragweed, latex, daisies, or any other plants in the same or similar families, may not be able to consume dandelion.
Always research potential side effects, dosage recommendations, and how to properly prepare and consume each medicinal plant.
Always make sure you are foraging what you believe to be. Fully prepare and study the anatomy before harvesting wild plants.
Always make sure your kitchen/work area is clean and that all materials are sterilized.
Do not forage plants from areas that have been sprayed within the past 2 years at the very least.
I am not legally or morally responsible for the health of any of my readers. Please do your own research!

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