Happy Christmas Eve! Today is the last installment of the Christmas Eve at Pinckney House story and we’re ending the night with a classic Charleston dessert known as Huguenot Torte. It’s a heavenly confection made with apples and sugar that is easily one of my most favorite dessert requests, especially this time of year.

A few days ago we left Zack and Allison (the hero and heroine of IN SEARCH OF TRUTH, the third book in the Deadly Force series) eating dinner in the conservatory with their guests. Now dessert is being served and the dancing has begun.

Allison Pinckney ~ “Once Zack drags us off the dance floor to get another drink, I grab a glass of water and slip away into the silence of the sitting room. My ears are ringing and I’ve have a bit too much to drink. Except once I enter the room, I see one of my guests I don’t know well–Juliet Montfort.

She’s sitting on the sofa, holding a mug of hot cider, and staring into the fireplace. I’m surprised she’s alone since I know she recently married Rafe Montfort, a buddy of Zack’s.

“Are you alright?” I ask Juliet.

She glances at me and smiles. “I’m great. I just needed a moment alone. I’m not used to being around so many people.”

I laugh because I feel the same exact way. After I sit across from her and finish my water, I try to think of something to say. I am the hostess who’s supposed to be looking after all of her guests. But since I’m not great at small talk, the best I can do is, “Are you having fun?”

She smiles at me and her entire face lights up. “I am. In fact, I was just sitting here thinking about how grateful I am.”

“Grateful for what?” I ask.

She waves her hand around the room, encompassing the two trees that flank the front windows. As far as Christmas decorating goes, I believe that this room is the most beautiful. White lights and greenery adorn the fireplace and the trees sparkle with silver and white ornaments. And in contrast to the white, silver, and green decorations, Juliet’s red dress shines.

“There’s so much to be grateful for this year,” Juliet says. “Rafe and Zack and all of their men are safe and healthy. They’ve won three battles against Remiel. And the more they settle into their lives here in Savannah, there more they become a stronger, more cohesive group.”

Considering that last battle they fought with Remiel almost killed many of us, I’m grateful for that as well.

“I’m also grateful that my husband and I found our way back to each other,” Juliet added. “We’d been separated for so long that I’d given up on us.”

“I feel the same way about Zack,” I say softly. “But Zack never gave up on me. And I will never stop loving him for that.”

Juliet reaches out to take my hand. “We are very lucky women.”

“And blessed,” I add. “So very blessed.”

Juliet nods and even in the dim firelight, I notice her eyes are watering. But before I can say anything else, I hear a noise in the hallway. It’s Susan and Alex near the front door.

After excusing myself, I rush to the foyer. There I find Alex (a former Army Ranger) in a sweatshirt and jeans along with Susan (Maddie’s almost-eight-year-old daughter) in her coat and hat. They’re laughing and opening the front door until I ask, “Where are you two going?”

Alex frowns but Susan rushes over to me and whispers, “It’s a secret, Miss Allison. Mr. Mitchell and I are on a secret mission!”

“Well,” I say in a not-too-stern voice, “Your mom will be surprised when she finds out you left the party. Where is your babysitter anyway?”

Alex comes over and shoves his hands in his jean pockets. “Baby-sitter is on her phone. And I promise that Susan and I will only be out for a moment. We’re on a secret mission.”

I tilt my head at Alex and give him my best scolding look.

He raises his hands, surrenders-style. “I promise I can look after a kid–“

“I’m not a kid!” Susan says. “I’m almost eight! We have to do this, Miss Allison. Please!”

“Alright. But,” I nod at Alex, “Fifteen minutes. Or I’m telling Maddie.”

Alex smiles wide. “Got it. We’ll be back even sooner!”

Once the door slams shut, Zack find me in the foyer. “Everything alright?”

“Yes.” I notice people working their way towards the study. “Are the gingerbread houses ready?”

He takes my hand. “Yes. Apparently the chef has made the Charleston Battery entirely out of gingerbread.”

Since Pinckney House is on the Holiday Historic Homes Tour, pastry chefs from around the city have been baking gingerbread houses for each mansion on the tour. And, luckily, this year Pinckney House scored the best pastry chef in the city.

When I enter, I inhale sharply. The gingerbread display is exquisite and everyone is slowly walking around the free-standing tables set up in the center of the room.

Just as I finish congratulating the pastry chef, Maddie touches my shoulder. “Have you seen Susan? It’s almost midnight.”

I share a glance with Zack (who knows that Alex and Susan snuck out) and am about to deflect when I hear a noise. “Are those jingle bells?”

“Yes.” Zack takes my hand and we hurry into the foyer. Now the bells are much louder and my guests are following us.

A moment later, Susan and Alex reappear. Susan rushes into her mother’s arms and says, “Guess what we did!”

Maddie frowns at Alex, but he just smiles and opens the door wider. Outside on the street are four horse-drawn carriages all decorated with Christmas lights.

“What is this?” Zack asks Alex.

“What does it look like?” Alex waves toward the carriages. “Four horse-drawns that will fit all of us. We’re taking a midnight Christmas tour of the city and then we’re all going to midnight mass at St. John’s Cathedral.”

I glance at Zack, but he’s already gone to talk to the staff to gather everyone’s coats.

So I return my attention to Alex. “Whatever gave you this idea?” I have to ask because I know he has no money.

“Just doing as I’m told.” But as he says it, he motions towards Kells in the corner.

As usual, Zack’s boss Kells is standing in a corner alone. The past few weeks taught her that Kells, as Zack commanding officer, kept himself apart from the unit on purpose. Something which she believed made him a very lonely man.

When Kells catches her gaze, he just nods. After that, it’s a flurry of coats and laughs until everyone is settled in the carriages. As the horses began to clip-clop down the road, she snuggles next to Zack. It rarely snowed in Charleston, but tonight the sky is clear and it’s bitterly cold. Sparkling stars cover the sky.

A few minutes later, just as the carriages pull up in front of the church, all of the church bells in the city start to ring.

“It’s midnight,” Zack whispers. “Merry Christmas.”

I meet his dark gaze and whisper back, “Merry Christmas, my love. And may it be the first of many.”

Huguenot Torte

Course Dessert
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Servings 12
Calories 350 kcal



  • 2 large eggs
  • 1⅓ cups sugar
  • ¼ cup flour
  • teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 large green apple peeled cored and diced
  • cups chopped pecans divided
  • teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Whipped Cream

  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 Tablespoon confectioner’s sugar
  • Vanilla ice cream for garnish



  1. Preheat the oven to 325℉, and grease a 9" square baking pan. Set aside.

  2. In a large standing electric mixer, beat eggs for 3 minutes on medium speed. Beat until the eggs are light yellow and very frothy. Slowly add in the sugar, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Then stir in the diced apples 1 cup of pecans, and vanilla extract. Stir until well combined and our the batter into the baking pan.

  3. Use a knife to smooth out the top of the batter, and bake for 40-45 minutes until the top is crusty and a golden brown color. Allow the torte to cool on a baking rack for 30 minutes. Serve with whipped cream and ice cream. Garnish with the rest of the chopped pecans.

Whipped Cream

  1. In a medium bowl, use a hand mixer to whisk together the heavy cream and confectioners' sugar. Beat until still peaks form.

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