Rough Draft November is almost here! While my project is set, I’m trying to get my life ready for such a huge project. One of the things I do ahead of time is to plan meals for my self and my family. So I make a basic weekly menu that allows me to mix-and-match foods and snacks. While each menu isn’t enough for the entire week, each recipe offers lots of leftovers (especially if they are doubled) so I can eat yesterday’s dinner for lunch, and then eat the homemade bread with a soup or salad for an afternoon snack or late dinner. t the bottom of this post, I’ve also included free printable shopping lists to help you in the grocery story, or you can place an order with your favorite grocery store and do a pickup instead.

Rough Draft November Meal Planning Notes

Below is an example of a weekly menu that can be made on Sundays and stored for the week. I start making the bread in the morning and then begin the soup. While the soup is simmering and the bread is rising/baking, I prep the dinner and the salad/veggies for the rest of the week. While I don’t eat a lot of sweets, I do make a weekly cookie for my afternoon tea. But the deal is I can’t have the cookie unless I’m working on my WIP. 🙂

This is not a complete menu for the week (there’s not enough food), but it’s a menu that offers lots of leftovers, depending on the size of your family. It’s meant as a guide to help you get started.

This is a milder menu when it comes to flavors and tastes since I’m often cooking for people with allergies, gluten-free needs, etc. So it’s low on allergens or, if there are nuts, etc., leaving them out won’t change the taste. Every recipe I included can be adapted for gluten-free, vegan, etc. diets.

I never drink alcohol during deadline projects, so I keep my Berkey water filter filled and have my favorite sparkling water in the fridge. I LOVE coffee, but also I try not to overdue the caffeine otherwise I’ll be suffering from headaches all of December.

For snacks, I keep seasonal fruit (like apples and pears) on hand, as well raw veggies, yogurt, and nuts.

Yes, it’s easier to buy fast food or rely on UberEats during deadline project months like Rough Draft November. But that gets expensive and can widen your waistband, especially if you’re not moving/working out like normal. So while making meals takes more time, you’ll feel better in December me when your favorite holiday clothes still fit.

Each menu below offers ideas and corresponding recipe links. Each week offers a homemade bread, healthy breakfast, a hot soup, a filling dinner, a salad/veggie that can be eaten any time day, and a cookie. All the links go to recipes in The Hungry {Romance} Writer Index, and they are all printable.

At the bottom of this post, I have free project printables and an index of last week’s Preptober posts. And Happy Rough Draft November!

Rough Draft November Weekly Meal Plan

Preptober Index & Printables

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